Thursday, August 4, 2011

Miho - My New Fav Burger

Food Snob I Am.

It is a pure fact that I love food, and I love good food. So fine, if I'm drunk and hungry, I might stop by McDonald's to indulge in some good ol' classic french fries. But that doesn't happen very often.

My style is fresh. Local ingredients. Juicy, tender, delicious. I am a big fan of organic, grass-fed, wild, homemade, house made, i-know-the-chef, i-picked-the-strawberries-with-my-own-hand.

So speaking of which, my friend Sean told me about a gastrotruck called Miho here in San Diego. Yea, I thought those were only in LA - but apparently I am wrong. So I was determined today to find them (it's a truck. it drives places. i drove to find them) and eat their food.

Miho's motto is "Farm to Street," exactly the kind of place I love. Basically everything they serve is local or house made, their beef is grass-fed, their chicken is free-range, and they always have a salad and a vegetarian option. They change up their menu on a weekly basis so you're always comin' back to see what's next. But what's great is their menu is as simple as: Salad, Burger, Chicken or Ham, Veggie, and a Side. Almost as simple as In-N-Out, but BETTER.

I ordered the 1/2 order of the Mixed Bean Salad, the Grilled Peach Burger, and the Belgian Style Fries.

Knowing they are more known for their burgers, I teased myself in the eating process.

The Mixed Bean salad. Honestly, I wasn't that impressed. It was ... just a salad. The dressing was fine, it did what it was supposed to do (which is that it enhances the flavors so that you don't feel like you're eating grass.) I was definitely expecting more because the description made it look tasty. However, I do appreciate the option. Just in case you want a burger, but you don't want to fatten up having to eat fries too.

Now, those who know me know that I HATE ketchup. I HATE it. I hate the smell, the look of it sitting in that disgusting kid-slobbered Heinz bottle, the consistency, everything. But - Miho makes what they call the "Moroccan Spice Catsup." Though I bet there is ketchup on the ingredient list, knowing they made it and put their own twist on it was worth giving it a shot.

Sure the catsup had a mini kick, but the fry wasn't to die for. It was better than the salad, but I wasn't thoroughly impressed like I was hoping to be. I guess a fry is sometimes just a fry. And sometimes fries are really only delicious if they're eaten with the main course.

And here it was: the Grilled Peach Burger time. Arugula, topped on a slice of gruyere, melted over grilled peaches, with a chipotle aeoli, all on a sweet brioche bun.

AWW, YEEAAHHH. I had known I was saving the best for last, and damn right I did.

The brioche bun is sweet. A fluffy, sinks-in-your-mouth bread. You first taste the peach, but as you continue to eat, the spice of the chipotle is cut and balanced by the sweetness of the fruit. The gruyere adds that nice hint of flavor. The burger is juicy. It requires you to lick your fingers and have napkins on hand. The fries complimented the meal quite well, as did the catsup.

This is a San Diego secret I hope to see become huge. I appreciate that they offer salad (even though this week's item wasn't amazing,) and having a veg option is always California-friendly. It's a personable little spot, and sure you might have to drive a little out of your way to get there - but I swear it is worth the search.

Look them up for their weekly menu and schedule here:

**** (4/5 stars)

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